搜索 Sofie

  • Follows teenage girls Marion and Marit through the infamous Norwegian high school celebration Russefeiring while they discover an insignificant act can turn their lives upside down.
  • 因持有一名失踪公务员的护照,无家可归的14岁男孩马可在丹麦边境遭到逮捕。警探卡尔·穆尔克及其悬案组负责找出关联的线索。旧案件疑点重重:那名公务员在失踪前不久被指控有恋童癖,结案速度也异常地迅速。然而,沉默受惊的马可不愿开口交谈。他很快就从企图杀人封口的人们手下逃了出来。本片改编自丹麦作家尤西·阿德勒-奥尔森的同名小说,是…
  • A Medieval Knight resurrects to fulfill his vow and bestow a blood-thirst vengeance upon the kindred spirits of those who betrayed him long ago. In the course of one night, identities will be revealed, destinies met, and a poetic justice of the macabre maniacally served. Here lies a tale of passion, loyalty, deceit, be…
  • 神秘女人抹大拉的玛丽亚,很久以来一直以一个被耶稣拯救的妓女形象出现在基督教的传说里,其生平故事将被搬上大银幕。这一角色有望由鲁妮·玛拉饰演,她正就此事与片方环球进行初步商谈。《国王的演讲》、迷你剧《谜...
  • 在不久的将来,一场流行病爆发了,文明崩溃了。西莫斯正在绝望地逃亡,危险无处不在。他偶然遇到一个地下掩体。然而,在那里他并不孤单。渐渐地,地下掩体里的生命可能比地面上的更危险。
  • 一场来势汹涌的风暴引发全球性的连续降温,降雪和冰冻使得城市运行全部瘫痪,世界处于一片冰封之中。纽约市政府正发动群众前往马瑟斯空军基地的地堡,以期民众在更大的风暴来临时躲过灾难。布里十分渴望通过追踪风暴收取天气异常的数据传输给身为科学家的父母,为找出这场风暴的原因贡献力量,遂与男友泰勒驱车追赶风暴中心。却在追踪的过程中遭…
  • a year after the tragic death of her brother, 19-year-old Lisi from Kitzbühel enters the decadent world of a Munich clique that comes to the luxury ski resort to celebrate every season. But Lisi soon kicks off an avalanche that reveals the…
  • 人人都一双一对,准备今年圣诞大餐聚埋一齐互相放闪,惟独乔安一个仍然孤身隻影。点算呀?唔想再俾人问「拍拖未」喇!乔安为咗塞住屋企人把口,决心搵个型男笋盘一齐过圣诞。
  • Together with a group of friends, Hanne Mette viditint the abandoned ski, Svartsj?n as Hannes boyfriend, Johan, are planning to buy and reopen. The site, which lies far in the Swedish wilderness, has stood completely empty and abandoned since a gruesome murder case 20 years earlier.
  • 第三季以全球经济危机为大背景,与丹麦议员竞选相结合,起因是一家大型家族旗下的一艘废旧轮船里面惨死的船员,随后 sarah 探长凭借她特有敏锐洞察力,开始了又一次扑朔迷离的办案过程,不仅为大家揭露了政治经济阴谋,更赤裸裸地展现了人性的阴暗面。  以下全文摘自@newlight 的影评《The Killing III 开播》:  丹麦电视连续剧 The …