搜索 Masliah

  • 悲哀于我
  • 导演马可·伯格的第八部电影长片《LosAgitadores》现已杀青。“这部电影处理了一种在西方非常常见的现象,它是一种恐同和男性情色的混合。比如说那些足球运动员之间,他们常常赤裸相见,互相打闹并发生肢体接触,这是一个很愉快并暧昧的场景,但同时他们也处在一个很恐同的环境。我的新片讲的就是在这种同性色情和恐同情绪交织的特殊环境下所产…
  • Young Ivan Drago's newfound love of board games catapults him into the fantastical and competitive world of game invention, and pits him against the inventor Morodian, who has long desired to destroy the city of Zyl, founded by Ivan's grandfather. To save his family and defeat Morodian, Ivan must come to know what it i…
  • 戈达尔這部近作的原始構想,來自偉大的義大利詩人李奧巴迪,他曾說過:「在今天,人類的權力只集中在數個人的手裡,我們每天目擊不同的事變,然而卻不知根由。整個世界活像雜種神秘機制下推動的機器‥此外,這部電影也得到希臘神話的啟發,包括普羅特斯、莫里哀等人,都寫過的「安菲特利昂」的故事。
  • Young Ivan Drago's newfound love of board games catapults him into the fantastical and competitive world of game invention, and pits him against the inventor Morodian, who has long desired to destroy the city of Zyl, founded by Ivan's grandfather. To save his family and defeat Morodian, Ivan must come to know what it i…