搜索 Philippe

  • 老师们
  • 这个警察不太冷
  • 高、低与脆弱之间
    The film follows the story of three girls in contemporary Paris. One searches for her lost mother since she knows she's adopted. The other has come out of a coma and needs to have a love relationship aside from his mysterious father. The third one is a crook who redeems herself through love. The action is commented by …
  • 本集,丁丁又有了新的探险。为了解决人类饥饿问题,卡尔库鲁斯和扎拉梅阿教授研制出了一种可在沙漠生长的蓝橙子。结果被别有用心之人将两人抓走囚禁起来,丁丁和他的伙伴们救出教授了么?他们又会有怎么样的冒险经历呢?
  • 阿尼巴尔
      斯威迪(Enguerran Demeulenaere 饰)出生在一个富裕的家庭之中,他的父亲是知名的制片人,家里来来往往的都是在电视里光鲜亮丽的大明星。然而,这种外人羡慕的生活却并不能够给斯威迪带来真正的快乐。某日,父母决定领养一个名叫阿尼巴尔的印加男孩,对于父母的决定,斯威迪当然是强烈反对,他怎么能够容忍另一个孩子来和他争夺父母的爱呢…
  • 神秘工作
    The unemployed Duval is contacted by a mysterious organization to transcribe intercepted calls. He accepts the job with no suspicions, since it restores stability to his life, but it will soon result in political shenanigans of all kinds.
  • 安杰伊瓦杰达导演的法语片,于佩尔在当中饰演一配角(沙托夫之妻),改编自陀思妥耶夫斯基同名小说。虽然由于片长的限制删改不少,但仍不失为一部极佳的改编电影。
  • It follows a college student as she boards a party train for Halloween, and ends up fighting for her life when a mysterious assailant begins killing the people one-by-one.
  • While Gilou awaits his trial in prison, Laure's group is being sidelined. They do their utmost to be given one case in particular: that of the murder of an unaccompanied Moroccan minor in Paris's Barbès district.@qujuji.cc